Tuesday, December 8, 2015


A large part of our measurement unit is just understand the concepts of how much a gallon can hold, and how long an inch really is.

The questions below were on the fourth grade math STAAR in 2014.
Well if you've never really done a whole lot of cooking (which is pretty typical of a fourth grader...) this could be a tough question. 

Again, this problem seems really easy. Except, if you don't have a mental picture of how large these measurements really are. 

If you're ever interested in looking at some STAAR questions, here's the website.

Here's a really neat website where you can zoom in and out and compare sizes.

In order to kick off the second part of the measurement unit (the first part was area and perimeter) I wanted to give my kiddos the opportunity to play with experiment with the different tools of measurement.

I had three different stations.

Measuring length
Measuring weight/mass
Measuring volume

The fabulous Dr. Dower, my dad, came to visit and help out.

I love when we're able to do hands-on activities but it often gets a little wild and crazy so I'm always grateful to have another adult.

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