Thursday, October 19, 2017

Problem Solving

Yesterday we talked about checking to see if your answer is reasonable. Reasonable means it makes sense.
We can check using rounding or compatible numbers.
Compatible numbers are numbers that go well together.
For example, 6 and 4 are compatible because they make 10.

Today we're talking about multi-step problem. This means that a problem requires more than one operation.

Ms. Jefferson has 10 candies. Ms. Dower has 15 candies. Then Mr. Ramirez comes and eats 3 of those candies. How many candies do your teachers have left? 
In the above problem a student has to first add the 10 + 15 and the subtract 3.

When we took the graphing assessment I noticed so many of my students missed the questions that required two steps. 

 In the above problem the child has to be able to read the graph, figure out how many are on Tuesday and Wednesday combined. Then subtract the number on Thursday from that.
So my bar model would look like this!

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