Saturday, December 26, 2015


TEKS: 4.8 Geometry and measurement. The student applies mathematical process standards to select appropriate customary and metric units, strategies, and tools to solve problems involving measurement. The student is expected to:
4.8A identify relative sizes of measurement units within the customary and metric systems; S
4.8B convert measurements within the same measurement system, customary or metric, from a smaller unit into a larger unit or a larger unit into a smaller unit when given other equivalent measures represented in a table; S

4.8C solve problems that deal with measurements of length, intervals of time, liquid volumes, mass, and money using addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division as appropriate.


Unit Summary:
Jan 5- Feb 5
Students use their understanding of fractions as numbers along with their understanding of addition and subtraction to develop understanding of and procedures for adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators. Students use these understandings and procedures to solve problems.

Essential Questions:
How are fractions and decimals similar and different?
How can unit fractions help make sense of the overall value of a fraction?
How can you express fractions as sums in more than one way?
What types of models help illustrate addition and subtraction of fractions?
How can benchmark fractions help reason about comparisons and estimate solutions?

4.2 Number and operations. The student applies mathematical process standards to represent, compare, and order whole numbers and decimals and understand relationships related to place value. The student is expected to:
4.2G relate decimals to fractions that name tenths and hundredths; R
4.2H determine the corresponding decimal to the tenths or hundredths place of a specified point on a number line.S
4.3 Number and operations. The student applies mathematical process standards to represent and generate fractions to solve problems. The student is expected to:
4.3G represent fractions and decimals to the tenths or hundredths as distances from zero on a number line. S
4.3A represent a fraction a/b as a sum of fractions 1/b, where a and b are whole numbers and b > 0, including when a > b; S
4.3B decompose a fraction in more than one way into a sum of fractions with the same denominator using concrete and pictorial models and recording results with symbolic representations; S
4.3C determine if two given fractions are equivalent using a variety of methods; S
4.3D compare two fractions with different numerators and different denominators and represent the comparison using the symbols >, =, or <; R
4.3E represent and solve addition and subtraction of fractions
with equal denominators using objects and pictorial models that build to the number line and properties of operations; R
4.3F evaluate the reasonableness of sums and differences of fractions using benchmark fractions 0, 1⁄4 , 1⁄2 , 3⁄4 , and 1, referring to the same whole; S

fraction,    equal parts,     numerator,   denominator,   whole,    unit fraction,    sum of fractions,   number sentences,   number line,    distance,   equal parts of a whole,   identity property,    equivalent fractions,     common denominator,    comparison symbol,    equal to,    greater than,    less than

This first video is SO CHEESY but the song really helps my kids remember.

This is a very simple video about different fractions. I like it because it goes slowly and asks the kids to find their own numerator and denominator.

To check out my TeachersPayTeachers Fraction Pack, click here.  

Here are a whole bunch of games to play that have to do with fractions. 

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Tuesday, December 8, 2015


A large part of our measurement unit is just understand the concepts of how much a gallon can hold, and how long an inch really is.

The questions below were on the fourth grade math STAAR in 2014.
Well if you've never really done a whole lot of cooking (which is pretty typical of a fourth grader...) this could be a tough question. 

Again, this problem seems really easy. Except, if you don't have a mental picture of how large these measurements really are. 

If you're ever interested in looking at some STAAR questions, here's the website.

Here's a really neat website where you can zoom in and out and compare sizes.

In order to kick off the second part of the measurement unit (the first part was area and perimeter) I wanted to give my kiddos the opportunity to play with experiment with the different tools of measurement.

I had three different stations.

Measuring length
Measuring weight/mass
Measuring volume

The fabulous Dr. Dower, my dad, came to visit and help out.

I love when we're able to do hands-on activities but it often gets a little wild and crazy so I'm always grateful to have another adult.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015


For a fun activity, we're making our own robots and then finding the areas and perimeter.

I made my robot a Sadie Lady Robot.