Monday, April 18, 2016

Math Class

This post is for all the people who want to know exactly how my math class works.

The first fifteen minutes are a mini lesson when I either teach something new, or review something old. Then we usually have a little group activity that everyone does.

Then I break kids up into their groups (I have 4 groups- Bunnies, Foxes, Dolphins, Tigers). Each group goes to a station and then they rotate stations every fifteen minutes.

The most common stations are:
Warm up (On the board)
Numbers of the Day
Writing Word Problem
Small Group with Me

Friday, April 8, 2016

Financial Literacy

Unit Summary:

Students add, subtract, multiply and divide rational numbers, and use them to solve problems dealing with data, measurement, and personal finance.

Essential Questions:
What is the difference between fixed and variable expenses, and how does this difference affect income planning?

Why is it important to choose an appropriate savings plan?

  • 4.10 Personal financial literacy. The student applies mathematical process standards to manage one's financial resources effectively for lifetime financial security.
  • 4.10A distinguish between fixed and variable expenses; S
  • 4.10B calculate profit in a given situation; S
  • 4.10C compare the advantages and disadvantages of various savings options;
  • 4.10D describe how to allocate a weekly allowance among spending; saving, including for college; and sharing; and
  • 4.10E describe the basic purpose of financial institutions,including keeping money safe, borrowing money, and lending.

Personal Finance, Fixed expenses, Variable expenses, Profit, Advantages/Disadvantages, Saving options, Savings account,Certificates of deposit, Money market funds, Saving bonds, Weekly, Allowance, College, Saving, Sharing, Spending

A great video for explaining profit and expense is here.

 This is a great visual I got from this youtube video.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016


Students in fourth grade are expected to be given end time, start time, and figure out elapsed time.
I start cooking at 12:30pm, I finish cooking at 1:45pm. How long was I cooking?

They're also expected to be given start time and elapsed time and figure out the end time.
I start dancing at 1:40pm and I finish after forty-five minutes. When did I finish?

Lastly they need to be able to figure out start time if given elapsed and end times.
I played for three hours and twenty-minutes. If I finished playing at 3:30, what time was it when I started?

Here's the link to my free time quiz.

Here are some links for different time games/activities:

Also had to take a photo of me and Ava today since we had matching outfits.