Unit Summary:
Students add, subtract, multiply and divide rational numbers, and use them to solve problems dealing with data, measurement, and personal finance.
Essential Questions:
What is the difference between fixed and variable expenses, and how does this difference affect income planning?
Why is it important to choose an appropriate savings plan?
4.10 Personal financial literacy. The student applies mathematical process standards to manage one's financial resources effectively for lifetime financial security.
4.10A distinguish between fixed and variable expenses; S
4.10B calculate profit in a given situation; S
4.10C compare the advantages and disadvantages of various savings options;
4.10D describe how to allocate a weekly allowance among spending; saving, including for college; and sharing; and
4.10E describe the basic purpose of financial institutions,including keeping money safe, borrowing money, and lending.
Personal Finance, Fixed expenses, Variable expenses, Profit, Advantages/Disadvantages, Saving options, Savings account,Certificates of deposit, Money market funds, Saving bonds, Weekly, Allowance, College, Saving, Sharing, Spending
A great video for explaining profit and expense is here.