Monday, August 29, 2016

Science unit one

Our first unit is on MATTER!!!
Here are the big ideas:

 Everything on Earth is made of matter. 
 The properties of a material determine ways that it is used or changed. 
 Matter can be classified as solid, liquid, or gas based on unique properties that can be observed and measured. 
 Matter can change from one state to another.

Here's some great links:

Link to Bill Nye video


As I told the students, Math Fluency is so important.
This means you can solve facts quickly and correctly.

Today I gave my students a 3 minute drill on addition facts. I will continue to give them this worksheet until they can complete it in three minutes.

There are tons of websites to get fluency fact worksheets.

Here's one of my favorites. Drills

Please have your child practice their fluency at home.

In the car be asking them math facts.
At dinner, ask them math facts.
Before bed, in the bath, wherever you are!! :)

First Unit Math

Unit One A Summary: Students apply mathematical process standards to solve problems by collecting, organizing, displaying, and interpreting data.

Essential Questions:
How can you use a table to collect and organize data?
How can you display data using a variety of graphs?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of specific graphs?
What kinds of questions can be answered form analyzing data presented in graph form.

Data- Information
Categories- Ways to separate things (blue is a category of color)
Categorical Data- Data that is not numbers (example, favorite color, sport you play, etc)
Bar Graph- Graph that uses bars to compare data
Dot Plot- Graph that shows dots above a label to show data
Frequency Table- table that shows how often something happens
Pictograph- Graph that uses pictures to show data
Titles- Next to graphs that explain what the graph is able
Labels- Y and X axis should be labeled to explain the data
Scaled Intervals- Explain how close the numbers are

Here's a fun game for graphs

This website has a whole bunch of links to great websites

This website is perfect for practicing interpreting data

Here's a nice game for analyzing dating

This website is great at explaining bar graphs