Wednesday, February 4, 2015


My assistant principal happened to do a walk through during math and she showed me a fabulous visual for conversions. Thanks Ms. Garcia!

The first step is to write out the question... you're starting at one unit of measurement, and trying to get to the other.
In the above example, I was starting at 88 ounces, and trying to get to cups.
The next step is to consult your chart.

8 ounces is equal to 1 cup.
Line up your units. 
Ask yourself, what did I do to get from one unit of measurement to the other? Did I multiply or divide?

Then whatever you did on the bottom, you have to do on the top!
I divided by 8 ounces by 8 to get to one cup. 
So now I divide 88 ounces by 8 to get to 11 cups.
My answer is 11 cups. 

1 comment:

  1. You rock, glad you liked this visual and shared with your students!
