Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Beginning Fractions

We are starting our fractions unit! To check out my fractions pack on TPT click here. 

In Math the main ideas I want my kiddos to understand are:

1. Fractional parts are equal shares or equal sized portions of a whole or unit.
2. Fractional parts are named to tell how many parts of that size are needed to make the whole. (halves, fourths, eighths …)
3. Fractional parts can be counted just as wholes can be counted. (one fourth, two fourths, three fourths, …)
4. As an object is partitioned into more fractional units, the smaller the size of the units. As an object is partitioned into fewer fractional units, the larger the size of the units.
5. The parts that an object is partitioned into are equal sized fractional units.
6. A fraction is a relationship between a specific whole (unit) and the part of that whole that is being considered. 

I started off by reading The Doorbell Rang.
If you don't have your own copy, here's a video of the story

Then I had my kiddos sort picture cards into categories of "Fair" and "Not Fair" to encourage the idea that fractions are EQUAL parts of a whole. 

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