Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Cars Experiment

Today we did a science experiment involving ramps and cars. We measured how far the car would roll based on how high the ramp was. Did the car flip? Turn? 
What if we pushed the car? etc.

Things we learned:
The higher the ramp, the more often it would flip over.
The higher the ramp, the faster the car went.
If you put the ramp low, the car won't flip and will go farther.
If you pushed the car too hard, it would flip over.
The reason the car flipped was because the front of the car would bump.
If you put the ramp really high, it will flip lots of times.
Sometimes the car would flip and the roll.
When we put the ramp in the middle it would go the farthest.

This experiment gave us an opportunity to go over lots of science vocabulary words such as:
observing, collecting and recording data, gravity, motion, experiment, variables, energy, increase, decrease

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