Friday, January 31, 2014


We watched an awesome movie about the moon today!
This is what we learned...
  • Moon is shaped like a sphere, just like the Earth. 
  • It is 1/4 the size of Earth. (Like a tennis ball next to a basketball) Because of this, it has less mass. 
  • Telescope make things that are far away look like they're close up.
  • The moon does not have water on it. 
  • The moon has lowlands and highlands. 
  • The moon has no atmosphere so it has extreme temperatures. 
  • The moon has craters from large objects in space hitting the moon
  • Comets are large balls of ice and dust that usually have a tail
  • Asteroids are made of rock and metal. 
  • Meteoroids are like small asteroids. 
  • The force of gravity depends on the size of the object so the moon goes around the earth because the earth is bigger.
  • The moon is closer to the earth than to other planets, which is why the moon goes around the earth. 
  • The moons gravity is 1/6 of gravity on earth. 
  • Rotate means spin. The moon rotates (spins)
  • Earth moves around the sun. 
  • Phases of the moon are all the times that moon looks different in a month.
  • We see only the part that has sunlight reflecting on the moon. 
  • Waxing is when the lighted side is getting bigger 
  • Waning is when the lighted side is getting smaller.
  • A while sky of moons would still only be 1/5 as bright as moon
  • The moon and the earth play tug-of-war over the ocean waves. 
Here's a great link for looking at what the moon looks like in different phases. 

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