Yesterday I introduced writing partners. I pair my kids with another child in the classroom and this is the friend that will edit their stories, help them with ideas, share stories, and even partner-write.
I was so amazed how EXCITED the kiddos were about having a friend to share their writing with. Knowing that they will have an audience makes them work so much harder!
Everyone does their writers workshop differently and mine is totally different than last year's.
I turn off the main lights and just have 3 tall lamps on. This gives a nice peaceful, quiet feeling to the room. The kids know that when those big lights turn off, it is time to put on their writers hats.
I start off with everyone on the carpet for a mini lesson. This week we've been talking about the importance of beginning, middle, and end.
Then, after modeling writing, introducing a new concept, or whatever the mini lesson is, they get a little bit of time to talk about their writing ideas with their partner.
When they've finished sharing, they go to their desks and start writing.
As they write I am going around the room, conferring, encouraging, helping with words (although I ask them to sound out most words).
At the end we all come back to the carpet to share what we've written with our partners.
Sometimes I let people share to the whole class.
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