Friday, September 20, 2013

Yoga Balls

This is the first year I've used Yoga balls and I'm so excited! I've heard of other teachers using them and all the different benefits, so I'm really hoping they can help my 18 kiddos!

According to this article, "When a child sits on a ball chair, they are able to direct their natural kinesthetic energy and need for movement in a positive way, because the child on a ball chair has to constantly move his body on the chair to maintain his balance.
So rather than squash a child's innate need for movement, ball chairs channel their physical energy in a positive way, allowing them to focus on their work more completely and reach their full potential as learners."
We made our list of Yoga Ball Expectations and I've only given a few kids yoga balls to start with. I think it'll be too nuts if I go straight from 18 kids on chairs to 18 kids on balls. So far, so good!

1 comment:

  1. 18 kids -- what a great class size!
    keep us posted on the yoga balls ......
